Yercaud is a hill station located in the Shevaroy Hills of the Eastern Ghats in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including forests, waterfalls, and the Yercaud Lake. The hill station is located at an altitude of 1515 meters (4970 feet) above sea level, which gives it a cooler climate than the surrounding lowlands. The hill station is also home to several temples, including the Servarayan Temple, dedicated to the deity Servarayan. Yercaud is known for its coffee, oranges, and other fruit orchards, as well as its spice and silk farms. All of these factors contribute to the unique and beautiful character of Yercaud.
The weather in Yercaud in June is typically warm and pleasant, with daytime temperatures averaging around 25-30 degrees Celsius (77-86 degrees Fahrenheit) and nighttime temperatures dropping to around 20-25 degrees Celsius (68-77 degrees Fahrenheit). The region experiences moderate to high humidity during this time of year, and you can expect occasional showers or thunderstorms. Overall, June is a good time to visit Yercaud, as the weather is comfortable and conducive to outdoor activities such as hiking, sightseeing, and picnicking. It is recommended to bring light, breathable clothing, as well as a sweater or jacket for the cooler evenings.
Taxi service
Travel by Train
- The nearest station is Salem. You can travel to Yercaud by the Government-operated bus service with a travel time of 2 hrs (approx)
Travel by road
Government operated buses
Private buses
Car/any other self-driven or driver-driven vehicles
WARNING: if you are new to mountain driving, exercise extreme safety precautions, wear your seat belt, and maintain traffic discipline. Always use lower gears and use the engine braking to drive downhills.
Travel by air
Nearest Airport: Coimbatore (Check flights to Coimbatore)
Bangalore (Flights to Bangalore)
From these airports, choose to travel by road/train to Yercaud (see other sections)