The 6th edition of Bison Ultra 2024 will be held on Sunday, June 9th, 2024. It will feature 60k, 32k, 45k, and 15k distance categories with ITRA points!

6th Edition

Bison Ultra | 9 Jun, 2024 | SUN
60k | 45k | 32k | 15k


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Edition #YearDate90k runners60k runners30k runners15k runners
01First Edition – 201829-Apr, Sunday67100100
02Second Edition – 201907-Apr, Sunday110300300
03The 3rd edition planned on 05-Ap, Sunday was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic05-Apr, Sunday8396366152
044th edition – The Spirit of #ultramalaivasi virtual run1-Apr to 4-Apr 20211265210282

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